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Different Mini Program platform provides different lifecycle methods and it made it hard to write cross-platform codes. For example, the equivalent of React componentDidMount is attached in WeChat while onInit in Alipay.

So we advise you to use universal hooks in Goji even if Goji mapped all lifecycle methods into their hooks,

Universal hooks

You can use all available hooks from React like useEffect or useLayoutEffect.

  • Check page or component mounted / unmounted

You can use useEffect with empty deps [].

const MyComp = () => {
useEffect(() => {
console.log('component mounted');
return () => {
console.log('component unmounted');
}, []);

return null;
  • Check props changed

You can use useEffect with props as deps.

const MyComp = ({ id }: { id: string }) => {
const [data, setData] = useState<ResponseData | undefined>(undefined);
useEffect(async () => {
// every time `id` change, fetchAPI will be called
const data = await fetchAPI(id);
}, [id]);

return data ? data : 'loading';

For more detail about how to use effect hooks please see Using the Effect Hook.

The callback function in useEffect would always run in the next scheduled time slice, usually in the requestAnimationFrame. If you'd like to run callback immediately after component mounted/updated please use useLayoutEffect.

  • Get load options

You can use useLoadOptions:

import { useLoadOptions } from '@goji/core';
const MyComp = () ={
const [loadOptions, setLoadOptions] = useState<LoadOptions | undefined>();
useLoadOptions((options: LoadOptions) ={

We advice to use useLoadOptions instead of unsafe_useOnLoad because all unsafe_useOnLoad callback only runs once when the page's onLoad run. If a component mounted after the firs time rendering the unsafe_useOnLoad would never run.

  • Check page visibility

You can use useVisibility to detect whether the page is shown.

import { useVisibility } from '@goji/core';
const MyComp = () ={
useVisibility((shown: boolean) ={
if (shown) {
// onShow codes here
} else {
// onHide codes here

Mapped lifecycle hooks

All lifecycles are mapping to hooks prefixed with unsafe_use. For example, onLoad is mapped to unsafe_useOnLoad, onPullDownRefresh is mapped to unsafe_useOnPullDownRefresh

Since Goji use React Context for lifecycle events passing you can use these hooks in any component. So there is no need to use pageLifetimes any more.