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Project Config

Normally GojiJS works out of the box, but if you want to customize the build process and result, you can use the goji.config.js file.


An example of the configuration file looks like this:

// `goji.config.js`

module.exports = {
progress: true,
watch: true,
outputPath: path.join(__basedir, 'dist'),
nohoist: {
maxPackages: 3,
parallel: {
loader: 4,
minimize: 4,

Options - bundle tooling


  • Type: boolean | undefined

  • Default: true

A boolean value to enable/disable the progress output of GojiJS CLI.


  • Type: boolean | undefined

  • Default: true on development mode and false on production mode.

A boolean value to enable/disable the watch mode of GojiJS CLI.


  • Type: string | undefined

  • Default: [basedir]/dist/[target]

The output path of GojiJS CLI. The default folder structure is like this:

├── dist
│   ├── alipay
│   ├── baidu
│   ├── qq
│   ├── toutiao
│   └── wechat
└── src


  • Type: undefined | number | { loader?: number; minimize?: number }

  • Default: undefined

A number or an object to enable/disable the parallel mode of GojiJS CLI. You can use number to specify the number for overall parallel jobs. You can also use an object to specify the number for each parallelizable stage.


  • Type: number | undefined

  • Default: value based on the number of CPU cores.

It equals to the number workers option of thread-loader plus 1.

Note that too many parallel jobs may cost too much resources and even slow down performance. See Amdahl's law.

So we set a maximum of workers to 3 if parallel.loader is undefined.


  • Type: number | undefined

  • Default: value based on the number of CPU cores.

The parallel option of TerserWebpackPlugin.


  • Type: undefined | (config: any) => undefined

A function to configure the Babel config inside GojiJS.

config is the Babel's config object.

module.exports = {
configureBabel: config => {


  • Type: undefined | (config: webpack.Configuration, webpackInGoji: typeof webpack) => undefined

A function to configure the Webpack config inside GojiJS.

The config parameter is the Webpack's config object that you can modify it directly.

module.exports = {
configureWebpack: (config, webpack) => {
config.plugins.push(new OtherWebpackPlugin());

The webpackInGoji parameter is the instance of Webpack. In some cases, you may want to use the fields/methods from it.

module.exports = {
configureWebpack: (config, webpack) => {
new webpack.DefinePlugin({
MY_ENV: 'hello world',

Options - output optimizations


In GojiJS, we utilize Webpack to analyze module dependencies and bundle the code. Through code splitting, we can import dependencies in a subpackage from various locations, such as the main package, node_modules, or even other subpackages. GojiJS can hoist the shared code into a common chunk file (usually \_goji_commons.js) in the main package.

Here is an example with 5 pages, where one is in the main package, and the others are in two subpackages (packageA and packageB).

sub packages example

In GojiJS, modules are hoisted to the root common chunk. This approach ensures that dependencies align with the limitations of Mini Program subpackages.


  • Type: boolean | undefined

  • Default: true in production mode and false otherwise.

In the above example, redux and date-fns are not considered shared code, so they can be moved into subpackages to reduce the size of the main package. This optimization is referred to as nohoist.

To enable this feature, you can set the nohoist.enable option to true.


  • Type: number | undefined

  • Default: 1

Some modules, such as lodash in the example, are shared only by subpackages. It is possible to fork them into subpackages. While this increases the size of the total packages, it effectively reduces the size of the main package.

To enable this feature, you can set nohoist.maxPackages to a number N greater than 1. A module shared less than or equal to N will be forked into packageName/_goji_nohoist_[contenthash].js.

nohoist.maxPackages example

Even though the code is duplicated, the runtime closure remains a singleton.

This feature also works with independent packages.

Please note that this feature may impact user loading time because more duplicated code is generated. It should only be used if the size of the main package has exceeded or is about to exceed the limit.


  • Type: undefined | string | RegExp | ((module: webpack.Module, chunks: Array<webpack.Chunk>) => boolean)

  • Default: undefined

You can use this options to nohoist specific modules.


Options to configure the processing of styles.


  • Type: undefined | 'keep' | 'to-px' | 'to-rpx'

  • Default: 'to-rpx'

There is a built-in PostCSS plugin called postcss-transform-unit that can be used to transform CSS units in all files. In some cases, you may want to convert the usage of px to rpx or vice versa. You can use this option.

  • keep: Do not transform any CSS unit.

  • to-px: Transform rpx to px. 2rpx equals to 1px.

  • to-rpx: Transform px to rpx. 1px equals to 2rpx.

The default will be changed to keep in the future.