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Some platforms like WeChat and Baidu provide a way to wrap and reuse JS code, components and pages on mini programs.

Before reading next sections, we advice you to learn these official documentations.

GojiJS enables the ability to import and use plugin/dynamicLib in React code.

For now, GojiJS doesn't support writing plugins.

Import a plugin

At first, you need to add some meta data in the app.config.ts file. You can use param target to detect platform.

Here is an example to show how to enable different plugin in the same GojiJS app.

export default ({ target }: { target: GojiTarget }) => {
const enableLivePlayer = target === 'wechat';
const enableSwanSitemap = target === 'baidu';

return {
...(enableLivePlayer && {
plugins: {
'live-player-plugin': {
version: '1.2.10',
provider: 'wx2b03c6e691cd7370',
...(enableSwanSitemap && {
dynamicLib: {
'swan-sitemap-lib': {
provider: 'swan-sitemap',

Use components

To enable plugin components, you need to make sure @goji/macro package is installed.

yarn add @goji/macro

@goji/macro exports a API called registerPluginComponent that accepts these params.

function registerPluginComponent(
target: GojiTarget,
name: string,
path: string,
props: Array<string | [string, PropDesc]>,
): React.FunctionComponent<any>;
  • target: On which platform this component could work. An empty component will be rendered on other platforms.
  • name: The component name generated in usingComponents, should be unique and not equal to any built-in component, for example <my-component-name> is valid and <view> is invalid.
  • path: The component path generated in usingComponents, should start with plugin:// or dynamicLib://.
  • props: Properties should be defined manually before using. For example, props: ['a', ['b', { defaultValue: '100' }]] let GojiJS generate template like this <my-component-name a="{{props.a}}" b="{{props.b === undefined ? 100 : props.b}}">.

registerPluginComponent returns a React component that you can use as normal.

Here is a full example of Baidu sitemap component.

import { registerPluginComponent } from '@goji/macro';

const SwanSitemapList = registerPluginComponent(
['list-data', 'current-page', 'total-page', 'path'],

const listData = [
title: 'GojiJS',
path: '/packageA/pages/details?id=1',
releaseDate: '2021-1-1 00-00-00',
title: 'Powered by',
path: '/packageA/pages/details?id=2',
releaseDate: '2021-1-2 00-00-00',
title: 'Airbnb',
path: '/packageA/pages/details?id=3',
releaseDate: '2021-1-3 00-00-00',


Use pages

Use wx.navigate API or Navigator component to navigate to a page in plugin.

import { Navigator } from '@goji/core';

<Navigator url="plugin://myPlugin/hello-page">WeChat</Navigator>;

<Navigator url="dynamicLib://dynamicLibName/pages/index/index">Baidu</Navigator>;


Use requirePlugin or requireDynamicLib directly.

if (process.env.GOJI_TARGET === 'wechat') {
const myPluginInterface = requirePlugin('myPlugin');
if (process.env.GOJI_TARGET === 'baidu') {
const lib = requireDynamicLib('myDynamicLib');